Membership of Clarkston Bowling & Tennis Club
Our current season began on April 1st 2024 and will run until March 31st 2025.
For the last 3 months of this season, January 1st to March 31st 2025, we are offering a 75% pro rata reduction on all our tennis membership fees. Also, if you decide to take up this offer and join in January, we will deduct the discounted fee you have paid from the cost of renewing your membership in April should you decide to stay as a member for the new season 2025/26.
If you are interested in joining at the new 75% discounted rate, you can register and pay anytime now and begin using our courts and facilities from January 1st. If joining, please read the information below about the range of memberships on offer at Clarkston BTC.
All Tennis Section fees, once paid, cover membership until the end of March 2025. Membership fees once paid are non-refundable.
Before joining, it is important to read the paragraph below headed: ‘LTA Membership’, (regarding joining the LTA as a free Advantage member to enable court booking access), before proceeding with the joining process.
As an alternative to Family membership, three family members all residing at the same address, are eligible for a 10% Family discount on all three of the membership fees if joining or renewing on April 1st 2025 Please get in touch with me for details if you are interested in either of these options.
Scroll down to see the wide range of membership packages on offer. The cost of our fees 75% reduced fees can be viewed below. For age specific memberships, age to decide membership categories is determined by age at April 1st
LTA Membership
You can register for membership here now by selecting one of our packages below and following the on-screen instructions. Click on ‘join now’ of the membership chosen and proceed. If you are a new member, and not already a member of the LTA, please register with the LTA when joining. (When you click on ‘join now’ you are taken to the Clarkston LTA page. Here you can click to create an account. On the next LTA page, click on the purple ‘join us’ button, then on the next ‘LTA Advantage’ page click ‘join now’. You are joining with a free LTA Advantage membership. On the next page fill in the fields and consents. If joining a child, it is the parent’s details that are required by the LTA not the child’s, those details are added later when redirected back to our ClubSpark website to continue the joining process with us at Clarkston BTC. Take a note of your login details as you will need them for court booking.
Please get in touch with me for if you have any questions about membership options or fees.
Bowling Membership
New members can receive a 50% discount on all playing Bowling memberships for our 2025/26 season. More information regarding Bowling membership will be available at the beginning of 2025.
Social Membership:
Non-playing Social membership is available all year, running for 12 months from the day you join. This membership is necessary for non-members who wish to book a function at the club, or simply for those who wish to make use of the bar, or enjoy spectating while tennis and bowls are underway.
For further information on any aspect of membership please contact me at
For further information please contact us using this form.
Our 2023/24 membership packages:
Tennis Guidelines
Please always respect other members playing and ensure the safety of both yourself and other members. This includes ensuring play has stopped before crossing tennis courts, and while doing so keeping close to the fence.
- Courts are available for play Monday to Sunday, 9am - 10pm.
- Floodlights must be switched off by 10 pm.
- Member playing times:
- Courts 1 and 2 – Junior and Senior members have equal access to these courts at all times.
- Court 3 – Mini members have priority on this court at all times. In the event that Mini members are not playing, the same access applies as for Courts 1 and 2.
- Courts 4, 5 and 6 – available to all members at any time, however Seniors and Young Adults have priority after 6.30pm on weekdays and after 1pm on weekends.
- If other members are waiting to play, the maximum playing time on all courts is 30 minutes (including use of floodlights, if applicable). Please adhere to this to ensure everyone has access to the courts even when it’s busy. Doubles play should be encouraged, and when other members are waiting singles play is only permitted on Courts 3 and 6.
Please always respect other members playing and ensure the safety of both yourself and other members. This includes ensuring play has stopped before crossing tennis courts, and while doing so keeping close to the fence.
- Daytime Senior members may play up to 4pm and are encouraged to play at Club Night and Senior American Tournaments.
- Weekend Senior members can play all day on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
- Mini membership entitles a parent to play on court with their child.
- During February, March and April team match practice takes place on courts 1, 4, 5 & 6. Non-team members wishing to play during these times have priority access to Courts 2 & 3. Ladies match practice is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7pm – 10pm, and Gents match practice on Mondays and Fridays 7pm – 10pm.
- Club matches, tournaments and coaching can often take place and they have priority. Information regarding these times can be found in the Club online diary.
- Club matches should be played on Courts 4, 5 & 6, with only one match taking place at any one time.
- When a match is in progress, singles play is only permitted on Court 3.
- Mini, Junior and Senior American Tournaments may reserve Courts 1, 4, 5 & 6. These will be intimated in the Club online diary.
- Social tennis takes place at Club Night on Wednesdays 7pm - 10pm, unless otherwise notified, using Courts 1, 4, 5 & 6. This is an informal and social opportunity to play with, and meet, other members and is open to all Senior members and older, more experienced Junior members.
- Winter Friday Night Doubles is held from 7pm on Friday evenings during the winter, using Courts 1, 4, 5 & 6. Dates intimated in the Club online diary.
We normally run an annual club championship for all members at all age groups and standards, starting in May and ending with our finals day on the first Sunday of September. This is a hugely popular tournament so in order to ensure the smooth running of the competition, all participants are normally asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
- The draw will be posted on club notice boards.
- Each round has a deadline by which each rounds must be completed. Failure to do this puts undue and unfair pressure on other participants matches and can result in disqualification.
- It is the mutual responsibility of all participants in the tie to organise the match.
- Any disputes or queries should be presented to the tournament referee for resolution and the referee’s decision is final.
See club noticeboards for more information and entry forms. Finals Day 2020 took place on Saturday 7th November and here is the report that was discussed at the ABM on 11th November.
We have many Ladies and Gents teams participating in West of Scotland Leagues throughout the year, competing at every level, from intermediate to national.
If you are interested in representing the club in any of our teams then contact:
Ladies Manager – n/a
Gents Manager – Errol Hornstein
Junior Manager – Keir Aitken
Mini Manager – Carol Milne
All members and their guests must play within the rules and respect these guidelines drawn up by the Tennis Committee:
- Members, visitors and parents/guardians must observe our Code of Conduct (see blelow) and follow our Court Etiquette and Dress Code guidelines.
- Swearing, inappropriate or racist language, including on social media, is not acceptable.
- All players must wear appropriate clothing on the courts at all times. Please note no football colours.
- Approved tennis shoes must be worn; no hard, studded, ribbed or ridged soles as these will damage the court surfaces.
- The use of floodlights after 10 pm is not permitted.
- When other members are waiting, singles play is only permitted on Courts 3 and 6. When a League Match is in progress, singles play is only permitted on Court 3. Mini Members have priority on Court 3 at all times.
- If other members are waiting to play, then the maximum playing time on all courts is 30 minutes (including use of floodlights, if applicable). Doubles play should be encouraged, and when other members are waiting singles play is only permitted on Courts 3 & 6. When a League Match is in progress, singles play is only permitted on Court 3.
- Courts should not be used when covered in snow, ice or frost, both for our members’ safety and to avoid damage to the courts. Members must not attempt to clear snow or ice from the courts. Salt or chemicals must NOT be used.
- For safety and insurance reasons, the use of tennis racquets and balls out with the playing area is forbidden.
- Do not hit balls against the outside clubhouse wall.
- A member may introduce one visitor per month, free of charge. Any visitor is not entitled to visit more than once per month, unless otherwise authorised by the Tennis Committee.
- With the exception of the above, non-members are not permitted to play on the courts; this includes parents playing with Junior members.
- Members must collect all balls after playing and leave the courts in a safe and tidy condition.
- For safety, only plastic drinks bottles allowed on court. No food or chewing gum allowed.
- Junior members are not allowed to smoke, consume alcohol or drugs of any kind on Club premises or whilst representing the Club at competitions.
- Only use the courts for playing tennis! Other activities can damage the court surface, are not covered under the club’s insurance policies or court warranties.
We are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all our members and visitors. We believe that it is important that members, visitors, coaches, administrators and parents/guardians associated with the Club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, members are encouraged to always be open and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with any member of the Tennis Committee.
To ensure that members and visitors can experience a safe, welcoming and friendly environment, the following standards and behaviour guidelines that are expected of everyone associated with the Club and should be followed at all times by anyone using the Club’s facilities.
Respect and Behaviour
All members and officials must show tolerance, courtesy, good manners, fairness, honesty, respect and integrity in their dealings with other members, coaches, parents/guardians, playing and social visitors. Members must respect officials and accept their decisions.
The Club is opposed to discrimination in any form. All members have a responsibility to make everyone feel welcome and to ensure that membership of the Club is a positive experience. Members are entitled to be treated with respect and to feel safe whilst at the Club, and should therefore report any inappropriate behaviour or concerns to the Welfare Officer, or if they are not available to the Tennis Captain.
Safety and Responsibility
Members must behave responsibly and look to protect and ensure the safety of everyone at the Club at all times and particularly to consider the wellbeing and care of Mini/Junior members and visitors. All equipment and Club property should be treated with respect.
Fair Play
Members must respect the rules of tennis, play fairly and honestly, and address disputes with dignity and appropriate language. Be a fair winner and good loser!
Club Reputation
All members should endeavour to protect and further the Club’s good reputation at all times. Representing the Club at matches or at tournaments is a privilege; any member so entrusted is an ambassador for the Club and their behaviour must always be beyond reproach.
There are additional Codes of Conduct specific to Minis/Juniors, Parents/Guardians, Coaches and the Tennis Committee.
At Clarkston we aim to provide a safe and inclusive environment for everyone to enjoy playing tennis. We acknowledge the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults at risk and are committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice and LTA requirements. We have a Welfare Officer, Sandra Leitch, who is the first point of contact if there are any concerns.
The following safeguarding policies, procedures and codes of conduct are in place.
- Safeguarding Policy
- Diversity & Inclusion Policy
- Equality & Diversity Policy
- Transgender Inclusion Policy
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Safeguarding Whistleblowing Policy
- Complaints, Feedback & Suggestions Policy
- Complaints & Appeals Procedure
- Guide for Safer Recruitment
- Code of Conduct for Working with Children
- Recording and Publishing Images Policy
- Sun Safety Policy
Relevant forms:
Club Committees
The bowling and tennis and committees work on your behalf to ensure that all members can enjoy their experience at Clarkston, in a fair and thriving club environment.
Eddie McCreadie (CPO)
M. Ali Shan (Coaching)
May McCreadie
Isobel Blanchflower
Maureen McLaren
Norma Allan
Ella Paul